Sunyu Transphere Provides Language Services for Nanjing Tech Week 2021


On June 21, Nanjing played host to T20 Talks 2021, one of the most important events during Nanjing Tech Week 2021.

With the theme of “innovation fosters quality of life,” the T20 Talks 2021 is attended online and offline by representatives from member cities, including Macao (China) of the T20 International Alliance for Green and Smart Development in Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, the U.S., Japan, South Korea, and China, innovative cities abroad, and innovation hotspots in Belt and Road countries, experts at world-renowned universities, and representatives of innovative enterprises and international organizations.

Sunyu Transphere selected professional veteran translators and interpreters for this event to provide translation and on-site/remote simultaneous interpreting services. To ensure stable connection and smooth virtual meetings for those who attend the event online, Sunyu Transphere’s project team made adequate preparations for simultaneous interpreting, including coordination with interpreters, distribution of audio streams, and interpreting system set-up.

On the same day, the Special Session for Overseas Projects of Jianye Innovation Elite Funding Roadshow took place in the Golden Fishmouth Fund Street. It was held online and offline simultaneously to accommodate participants and audiences in different countries and regions. Spanning a wide range of tech sectors such as new materials, new energy, fintech, artificial intelligence, and next-generation information technology, the event provided an opportunity for representatives of six startup companies to present their projects, and they have grabbed the attention of VC investors. Experts from high-tech industries and VC institutions commented on the projects and offered hands-on guidance to the presenting companies.

Sunyu Transphere offered a translation of all textual materials of the Roadshow, including manuals, meeting reminders, and the moderator’s script. The company also provided qualified consecutive interpreters and a bilingual moderator for the event, as well as Zoom meeting support to facilitate the participation of overseas companies.

Sunyu Transphere Provides Language Services for Nanjing Tech Week 2021

Sunyu Transphere Provides Language Services for Nanjing Tech Week 2021 Sunyu Transphere Provides Language Services for Nanjing Tech Week 2021


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